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David Bailey’s “Aerospace Industry Flight Deck - Intelligence and insight into the current state of the Aerospace and Military Air Sectors” – November 2020

jet fighterI wanted to use this presentation to show how the global pandemic had significantly ramped with over 50 million cases of infection worldwide and how those infections have spread in different parts of the world leading to air travel restrictions. It has been interesting to see how technology stocks (Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix and Google) have helped prop up global market indices such as the S&P 500 whilst the UK’s FTSE 100 has arguably performed worst of the major indices.

The presentation shows that aerospace share prices are still significantly below pre-pandemic levels. As the impact of the pandemic on the aviation sector deepens, the presentation uses International Air Transport Association (IATA) data to understand how the second waves of Covid-19 are impacting markets in different parts of the world. The data shows how the aviation sector is being supported with $160 Billion of aid from governments. It is therefore not surprising that global commercial aircraft orders are the lowest on record and the supply chain needs to look for new opportunities in defence and the green (environmental sustainability) sectors. The authors finishes the presentation with a scenario based prediction of how the commercial aerospace market might grow (or fall) across the next 3 years.

David Baileys Aerospace Industry Flight Deck - Nov 2020 (PDF)

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